Fishing in Macedonia


Lake Fishing
Natural lakes : Ohrid, Dojran, Prespa
Man-made lakes: Mavrovo, Debar, Tasmaruniste, Tikves, Kalimanci, Berovo, Veles.

River Fishing
Rivers: Vardar, Treska, Radika, Bregalnica, Kadina, Babuna, Sateska, Brajcinska, Pcinja, Crna, Drim

Farm Fishing  

Fish ponds:
"Krivo Krusce" and "Bentomak" near Kriva Palanka, 100km east of Skopje
"Aquarium", 10kn south of Skopje , near Idrizovo Village
"Katlanovo" on River Pcinja near Katlanovo Village
"Ribolom" on River Crna near Rosoman Village, Gradsko, 100km south of Skopje, on the Skopje-Gevgelija highway
"Zelezarsko Ezero" – 3km north of Skopje
"Slatino" – near Slatino Village , Ohrid 

Fishing costs 100 denars a day and caught fish is charged 160 denars per kilogram.

What to fish


Rivers (Fly fishing, blinker): Radika, Ribnicka, Treska, Kadina, Vardar, Sateska, Brajcinska, Babuna, Pcinja, Crna, Drim
Lakes : Ohrid, Mavrovo, Debar, Berovo

-Ciprinides -

Rivers: Vardar, Bregalnica, Pcinja, Crna
Lakes: Dojran, Prespa, Ohrid, Tikves, Kalimanci, Veles


Rivers: Vardar, Crna
Lakes: Veles, Tikves, Dojran


Rivers: Drim, Vardar
Lakes: Ohrid, Debar

Excerpts of the Freelance Fishing Rulebook according to the Freelance Fishing Law  

The current law most strictly prohibits fishing with illegal means, such as: 

Fishing with any kind of nets
Fishing with guns used for underwater fishing
Fishing with more blinkers at a time from a moving boat
Fishing with explosives and narcotics
Fishing trout-like fish with natural baits 

With a view to protecting the fish stock and enhancing the environmental balance, the law envisages measures prohibiting the fishing of fish below a certain size. If caught, these must be let back into the water in the quickest and gentlest possible way. The following are the minimum size fish that can be caught: 

Ohrid trout – 30cm
River/brook trout – 25cm
Mavrovo trout – 30cm
Ohrid belvica (Lat. alburnus alburnus) – 22cm
Carp – 25cm
Plasica – 12cm
Dace – 15cm
Bojnik – 20cm
Minnow – 20cm
Mrena (Lat. barbus barbus) – 25cm
Catfish – 50cm

Fish are measured from the end of their tail to the end of their head.

Fishermen often wonder if trawler may be used as an auxiliary fishing tool in certain waters. This is what the law says, although it does not apply to concessionary waters, which are subject to individual decisions, which freelance and professional fishermen must be notified about.

Under this law, permitted fishing tools are also those that facilitate the fishing, such as every kind of baits, engine, and speedboat in Lake Dojran and Daljan in Struga.
